Europe is taking proactive steps to make road freight transportation more environmentally friendly through various initiatives and programs. The European Green Deal, a comprehensive strategy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, has set ambitious targets that are catalysing change in the logistics sector.

The European Green Deal: A Roadmap for Sustainable Logistics

The European Green Dezal aims to transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient, and competitive economy. The focus is on reducing greenhouse gas emissions across all sectors, including transportation.

 Key targets for the road freight industry include:

  • Deploying at least 30 million zero-emission vehicles on European roads by 2030.
  • Achieving zero emissions for all new cars, vans, and heavy-duty vehicles by 2050.
  • Shifting a substantial portion of freight transport from road to more sustainable modes like rail and waterways.

Green Freight Europe: A Collaborative Platform

Green Freight Europe (GFE) is an industry-driven program that supports companies in improving the environmental performance of freight transport across Europe. It provides a platform for carriers, shippers, and logistics service providers to share best practices, promote innovations, and communicate sustainability improvements.

GFE members submit operational data to calculate, validate, and benchmark their carbon emissions using a consistent methodology aligned with European standards and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. This collaborative approach fosters transparency and drives emission reductions through comparative benchmarking and knowledge sharing.

Sustainable Alternative Fuels and Infrastructure

The European Green Deal emphasises the development and deployment of sustainable alternative fuels and infrastructure to support the transition to zero-emission vehicles.

 Initiatives include:

  • Establishing a Low Carbon Fuels Value Chain Alliance to boost the supply of sustainable fuels.
  • Revising the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive to ensure adequate charging and refueling infrastructure for alternative fuel vehicles.
  • Promoting the use of green hydrogen and electrofuels in sectors like aviation and shipping.

Regulatory Measures and Incentives

To drive the adoption of sustainable practices, the European Commission is exploring various regulatory measures and incentives, such as:

  • Revising the Eurovignette Directive to encourage the use of zero-emission vehicles through road pricing schemes.
  • Considering the inclusion of road transport in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) to incentivise emission reductions.
  • Providing financial support and incentives for fleet renewal, retrofitting, and appropriate scrappage schemes to accelerate the transition to low and zero-emission vehicles.

As the demand for sustainable logistics solutions continues to grow, these European initiatives are paving the way for a greener and more efficient road freight industry, fostering collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to environmental stewardship.

Learn more detailed information on how we can assist with your European road freight needs here.