LCL Services Moved From Felixstowe

Jul 23, 2018 | News

Further to our recent articles concerning the ongoing operational issues at Felixstowe, Uniserve have taken the indefinite decision to move a number of Asian inbound consolidation/LCL services to the port of Southampton.

The movement will be effective immediately for consolidation and LCL shipments leaving the ports of Hong Kong, Shanghai & Ningbo, with further services being considered.

The choice of sailings to Southampton has been matched as near as possible to our current services so there should be little or no disruption to cut offs and delivery times.

The issues at Felixstowe, due to the implementation of a new operational system, were initially expected to be short term but prolonged delays have led some carriers to switch ports and to our considered decision to do the same.

Our consolidation services are unpacked and distributed through our state of the art Tilbury facilities, which avoids further delays unpacking containers at congested port facilities. Therefore, with the services being rerouted, customers will be able to rely upon our impressive turnaround times once more.

Uniserve are currently providing our own sea-freight consolidations from numerous origin points throughout China, South East Asia, The Indian Sub Continent, The Middle East and North America.

By operating our own services, controlled through our own facilities and vehicles, we are able to offer a seamless transition from door to door, as opposed to multiple handled operations relied upon by competitors.

For further information on the Felixstowe issues please contact your local Uniserve representative. To find out more about Uniserve’s range of LCL and FCL sea-freight services, please call 01375 856060 or email




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