Drinks Team Germany Bound

by | Mar 7, 2017

Our Uniserve Drinks Logistics team is heading to Germany to attend one of the key events in the industry calendar, the ProWein International Trade Fair for Wines & Spirits.

The fair takes place on 19th-21st March in Dusseldorf and this is the fourth year our dedicated drinks business unit will be present with colleagues from around our global network.

Over the years we have supported our customers at the event with consultative work in international trade and foreign regulations, protection and conservation of wines and spirits during transportation. The fair is a chance to explain the advantages of our valued added services from Bonded storage and distribution, to our OneWorld platform which helps organisations by enhancing people & process management technology.

Matthew Deer, Business Unit Director of the Uniserve Drinks Logistics arm, said: “since our launch in 2013 we have been able to compete on price and are able to offer true end-to-end products. Each customer is different and with increased global challenges its becoming harder every day”.

He added “We are helping by offering to take on more responsibility from asset management, through our global trade management services. This is a big opportunity for a company who is capable, energetic and ambitious”.

The team have always found the ProWein fair to be a great opportunity to meet both customers and global colleagues in one location, and they can be found in Hall 9.

If you are attending the event and would like to arrange to meet with us then please call ++44 (0) 7825 165630 or email drinks@ugroup.co.uk.

We very much look forward to seeing you there!


photo: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

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