The Government announces UK’s new Customs tariffs The Government has announced the UK’s new Customs tariffs. The UK Global Tariff (UKGT) will replace the current EUs’ Common External Tariff (EU CET). The new regime will come into play on the 1st January 2021, marking...
COVID-19: PPE flight no.146 Today, our 146th Charter flight landed carrying vital PPE & essential equipment for our heroes at the front line. Our personal mission continues. Together we will #BeatTheVirus. If you have any emergency logistics requirements and you...
COVID-19: PPE flight no.139 Today, our 139th Charter flight landed carrying vital PPE & essential equipment for our heroes at the front line. Our personal mission continues. Together we will #BeatTheVirus. If you have any emergency logistics requirements and you...
COVID-19: From premier spirits drink manufacturer to NHS hand sanitiser provider Uniserve normally move high quality alcoholic beverages for many of our drinks customers around the world. However, in light of the coronavirus, one of our clients has changed their...
Video: We are on a personal mission As we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of VE Day, we are inspired by the spirit of Great Britain. Sir Winston Churchill stated: “Victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long & hard the road...